Trademark Application Filing
- Applying for Trademark Registration.
- Trademark Search.
- Designing of Trademark.
- Responding to department objections, if any
Starting from ₹ 1,999 (Exl. Government charges)
Will defer from case to case
You can use the TM symbol near logo
Its rights can be passed on or transferred

It can be used as collateral for loans
Hey there! We've compiled a list of common questions to help you find the answers you need. If you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to reach out to us directly.
A trademark has several roles:
1. Identifying products or services and their source.
2. Ensuring consistent quality.
3. Serving as advertising.
4. Establishing a brand image for the products or services.
The main rule is that the trademark should not undergo significant changes that alter its identity or physical form. However, within these limits, changes are allowed as per the rules.
The Trademark class corresponds to specific categories of products and services. There are 45 different classes according to the "Nice classification." For example, Class 29 includes items like meat, fruits, vegetables, milk, and dairy products. When filing a trademark application, it's important to specify the relevant class of goods and services
Trademark registration includes names, slogans, logos, words, letters, colors, and similar identifiers that describe products or services