deAsra Foundation was invited to speak at Janjagran Melava in Kolhapur on January 31. The event was organised by Vidya Prabhodini, Directorate of Vocational Training & Education (DVET). The event was the initiative of Mr. Chandrakant Patil – Member of Legislative Assembly (Maharashtra State) and Guardian Minister for Kolhapur District. Over 750 aspiring entrepreneurs, students, teachers, established entrepreneurs were present at Yashwantrao Chavhan auditorium in Rajaram College, Kolhapur.
The team of deAsra Foundation Mr. S. R. Joshi, Director and Mr. Anil Pathak, Senior Business Consultant spoke about how the government is encouraging entrepreneurship via its initiative StartupIndia StandUpIndia. He insisted that the doors of deAsra Foundation are always open to handhold and guide every entrepreneur inspired by the Prime Ministers vision on entrepreneurship.
Mr. Chandrakant Ninale, State Joint Director of Vocational Education and Training (DVET) and the convener of the event spoke about bringing together combined platform of institutes. This platform would support the efforts of the entrepreneurs and provide all-round development required for their growth.