Udyam Registration is an identification number which is issued to businesses who want to get registered as a “Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME)” enterprise. Based on the investment and turnover of the business it will get classified into the right category i.e. Micro or Medium or Small enterprise.
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Company Formation Checklist
A Company is a type of entity wherein the liability of its members or shareholders is limited to their shareholding in the Company. There are two main types of Companies Private Limited Company & Public Limited Company.
GST Registration Checklist
GST is an indirect tax that is levied on goods as well as services. All the existing state and central indirect taxes are subsumed under the GST. It is applicable throughout the country (except for Jammu and Kashmir). GST is also referred to as “One Nation One Tax”.
Under this system, a single product is taxed at the same rate in every corner of the country (except J&K).
Copyright Registration Checklist
Copyright is the exclusive and assignable legal right given to the originator for a fixed number of years to print, publish, perform, film or record literary, artistic or musical material. Copyright provides legal evidence of ownership. The copyright owner can sell or pass on the rights of the work to the other person with copyright protection. Copyrights are often noted by ©.
Trademark Registration Checklist
A Trademark is a recognizable sign, design, or expression which identifies products or services of a particular activity. It is in the form of a logo, image, symbol, word(s), letter(s) or colour(s). It is a recognition of the company’s ownership of the brand. Trademarked products are considered as a form of property. Trademarks are often noted by way of ™, or ® if registered.
Rent Agreement Drafting Checklist
It is an agreement/contract between a landlord and a tenant, whereby the landlord gives the tenant the right to occupy the premises. It is applicable for a duration/ term which is specified in the agreement.
LLP Formation Checklist
Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is a type of organization in which each partner’s liability is limited to the extent of his/her contribution. It is formed under the Limited Liability Partnership Act 2008. Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) firm is a combination of partnership firm and private limited company, hence LLP enjoys benefits of both types of organizations.
Partnership Firm Formation Checklist
A Partnership Firm is a form of organisation wherein two or more persons enter into an agreement and agree to share the profits of a business carried on by all or any of them acting for all.
OPC Formation Checklist
One Person Company (OPC) is a type of Company under the Companies Act, 2013. OPC is a company that has only one person as to its member and another person as their nominee. It can also be said that an OPC is a blend of Proprietorship concern and a Company.
Types of Business Entities in India
A Business Entity is an entity formed in order to engage in business activity. A business entity is an organisation set-up by the business owners considering the factors such as the size of the business, nature of the business, the number of members involved, capital requirement, etc.